Thursday, 4 October 2012

Camera and Sound

In one of our lessons we started learning about how camera and sound are used in the media. I believe this to be very useful for my coursework because it means I will be able to use a variety of angles and shots, and sounds to create a better opening.


We learnt there were 3 main points about camera:
  • Distance
  • Angle
  • Movement

XLS (Extra Long Shot) - This gives information to the viewer about where the action is to take place. It often sets the atmosphere of a film.
LS (Long Shot) - This allows the viewer to understand the relationship between the characters and their environment.
MLS (Medium Long Shot) - Places the object in context.
MS (Medium Shot) - This allows you to get to know the character more closely by viewing their facial expressions and body language.
MCU (Medium Close Up) - Good for conversation between two characters.
CU (Close Up) - This is used to introduce a character and allows the character to show emotions. It can be used to heighten tension.
BCU (Big Close Up) - This shows the detail of a characters face.
XCU (Extra Close Up) - To make the viewer aware of some specific detail in the film. It can be used to heighten tension.


Low - These increase height of an object making it look bigger and stronger.

High - Camera is elevated to make subject look smaller and inferior. 

Eye Level - Neutral shot, camera is positioned as though human is observing a scene.

Birds Eye - Shows a scene from directly above. This has the ability to make people look insignificant e.g. people in a crowd. 

Canted - Camera is tilted to suggest imbalance, transition, and instability. Can also be used to suggest POV (Point Of View, when the camera becomes the 'eyes' of a character to bring audience into the diegesis).


Panning - Scans a scene horizontally. Camera operates on a stationary axis, and is often used to show a landscape or scenery.
Tracking - Camera is often used to follow a moving object which is kept in the middle of the frame.
Zoom - Changes the magnifications of an image. Can change the position of the audience very quickly or slowly, without moving the camera itself. It can also be used to distort an image or make an object appear closer together than they really are. 
Tilts - A movement which scans a scene vertically, similar to a pan.


There are two types of sound used when making a piece of media text.

1. Diegetic Sound = All the sound within the shot
2. Non - Diegetic Sound = All sound added through editing over the top of a scene. 


The information from my notes, as well as some background knowledge and research, is very useful to me because I now have the knowledge of a variety of skills I will be able to add to my coursework. I have also learnt the effect and purpose of many of these skills, therefore, I will be able to use them appropriately and effectively. For example, I have learnt about the many different shot sizes you can include and why you would use them, such as, using a BCU to catch the emotion on a characters face. Furthermore I have learnt about the different camera angles I might want to use such as the canted angle which can be used to suggest instability within a scene. In addition, I have learnt about the variety of camera movements and why they are used. Finally, I have learnt about the two different categories of sound I might want to use, for example, I might want to include lots of diegetic sound to make the scene have a higher verisimilitude. Therefore, I will be able to consider all of these techniques when filming my coursework. 

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