Wednesday, 9 January 2013

How has the Continuity Task aided my understanding of the film-making process?

Overall the continuity task has helped increase my knowledge of the film-making process a lot becasue it has given me a practical, hands on experience of what it is like to plan, storyboard, film and edit a short film. This will significantly help me and my group when it comes to creating our final product becasue we will already have had some experiencing in the film-making process.

We planned our ideas very quickly because we wanted to finish our shot list and storyboard as soon as possible in order to give us more time to film and edit. This worked well but provided a few consequences. For example, because we rushed our planning our storyboard wasn't detailed enough which gave us problems when it came to filming becasue we had not been specific enough. However, once we had filmed we then had lots of time to edit which was very helpful because we ended up having to make a lot of changes to our final piece. 

The filming and editing process have also been extremely helpful in adding to my understanding of the film-making process becasue it allowed all of us to gain practical experience with using a camera. This will help us when we have to film our final product because we have now had experience in the different things we can do with a camera and what does and doesn't look good. For example, we attempted to include a zoom in our continuity task but the quality of our equipment was not the highest which meant it looked very amature and caused us to simply discard the shot. Due to this, we have decided as a group that we will do everything possible to ensure we do not include a zoom in our final product because we believe it will decrease the overall quality and continuity of it. 

Finally, from doing the continuity task I have learnt the importance of researching and planning because, as I mentioned earlier, due to the fact, we rushed our planning, when it came to filming and editing, it was much harder. This was because we had nothing to use as a guideline which therefore, meant it took a lot more time than we had previously expected to both film and edit our piece. However, this means that as a group we will be able to ensure we don't make this mistake again and take our time with our planning and continue our research right the way through our whole project. This should ensure that we have a more detailed guideline to use when we are filming and editing which should improve the overall quality of our final product. 

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